Click here to see the direct outcomes from the Strategy Facilitation Session. As a result of this session Strategy Facilitation Session, DC Design was rehired by Santa Clara county to guide key aspects of its strategic efforts, conduct user research…

Click here to see the direct outcomes from the Strategy Facilitation Session. As a result of this session Strategy Facilitation Session, DC Design was rehired by Santa Clara county to guide key aspects of its strategic efforts, conduct user research, and co-develop its 3-year strategic plan for jail reentry.

An exciting case study is coming soon. Be on the lookout!

An exciting case study is coming soon. Be on the lookout!








Durell details the DC Design process in developing the Hack Foster Care summit during a podcast with Andrew Molina of the Stanford University d.School.


Number and metrics matter. They play a major role in our process. Read our 2017 Impact Report for a round-up of last year's events and their outcomes.



We work with a wide variety of clients including companies, governments, foundations, nonprofits, universities, and schools.

Here’s a sampling.


Oracle Corporation

Led executives from Oracle and Spanish companies, including Inditex (world’s largest fashion company), Telefónica (world’s 6th largest telephone company), and Santander (EU’s largest bank) through the design thinking process in order to leverage their unique business positions to create new product solutions to anticipated challenges facing commuters in 2020.


Leadership Intensive - Taught a weeklong Design Thinking program for 3rd year students to improve quality of life for laborers in their food processing workplace.

Design for Extreme Affordability - Coached a multidisciplinary team of Stanford professional students (Graduate School of Business, Program in International Relations, School of Engineering) for 20 weeks as they created a seed storage system for rural farmers in Mozambique.

Design your Stanford – Facilitated application of Design Thinking as a form of leadership to help Stanford sophomores shape their personal and professional lives in the context of responding to the design challenge, “How can I align my passions with what creates good in the world.


Led the Udacity content, design and engineering teams through a workshop focused on addressing their high user loss rates after the first week of engagement. Had teams work with and conduct empathy interviews with actual Udacity students to uncover ways they can better tailor their classes to meet their needs. One big takeaways for the Udacity team was that those that stuck around through the content often had an experienced coder (for coding based classes) in their homes to help them through content that wasn’t explained well.


Embassy of the United States, Spain

Embassy of the United States, Spain - Led participants from around the world through the process of designing their own conference experience at the IN3 conference in Madrid. Participants used human centered design to assess their own goals for the conference, come up with ways to achieve those goals, and create an actionable set of first steps for accomplishing those goals.


Led the CTO and executives from the Santander Innovation Team through an intensive, masters level design thinking course that offered specific instructions on how to apply design thinking within their organization. Provided specific, hands-on opportunities to use the design thinking process to identify and test key areas of innovations within the company.

Miami Dade College

Miami Dade College, Design for Miami - In conjunction with the Idea Center at Miami Dade College, the largest college in the United States, is currently developing a class called Design for Miami in which students design solutions to problems affecting low income Miami residents. This 12 week course is the first major design thinking course at the college and will serve as the springboard to future teachings of the design thinking process. Students will focus on challenges around transportation, oral healthcare and access to education amongst low income residents starting in the fall of 2016.

Round Square

Round Square Regional Conference of the Americas - Taught 24 educators how to use the design thinking process to improve student engagement and deal with conflicts in the classroom. Teachers worked to design classroom experiences that would improve the engagement for specific, disengaged students in their classrooms. Some administrators also worked to design better ways of working with faculty members by applying the empathy process.

Round Square Regional Conference of the Americas - Taught 75 students how to use the design thinking process to solve problems in their everyday lives and apply that same mindset to problems on the community level and global level. Students conducted empathy interviews with individuals on skid-row, at a homeless shelter, and other locations with representative populations different from themselves.


Draper University

Led executives from Japanese companies, including Sony, Hitachi, and Fuji Film, in the application of Design Thinking to their business challenges.

Teach for Japan

Trained Japanese teachers how to use the Design Thinking process and its foundation of empathy-based inquiry to resolve conflicts in the classroom and to address issues with problematic students.

Raikes Foundation

In collaboration with the Stanford University Design School, led some of the top professors, administrators, and educational think tank leaders through a process of uncovering the problems that school administrators and faculty face when working to implement high impact learning mindsets in schools. Teams worked to generate solutions to these problems that could be implemented at the systems level.

Independent Television Service (ITVS)

ITVS is funded by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting to foster diversity and innovation in public television. Led a workshop for ITVS executives and managers to help them develop strategies to better connect with their target audience.

International School of Asia-Karuizawa

International School of Asia-Karuizawa, Japan (ISAK) - As the Teacher of Design and Innovation taught 80 students from over 30 countries, including refugees from Syria, Palestine, Tibet, and Western Sahara, how to apply Design Thinking to challenges they experience in their countries. Students walked away from the program with actionable solutions they could implement to affect change in their communities.

Castilleja School

Led a Design Thinking workshop to help students better understand how they can take individual action to solve community challenges. Students worked through each phase of the Design Thinking process to identify ways in which they can personally affect climate change and to make positive impacts for their community’s sustainability efforts.